Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston by Morihiro Ogawa, Fellow for Research in Japanese arms and armor in the Department of Asiatic Art represents a major effort to make the Museum"s celebrated collections of Japanese swords and sword furniture known to a wider public, It is the result of years of painstaking research, undertaken at the suggestion of the renowned connoisseur Sato Kanzan who first proposed this publication when he inspected the collection in 1975.
The catalogue deals with the finest specimens in the collection, ranging in date from the 5th century sword hilt, reportedly from the tomb of the Emperor Nintoku, to works of the best swordsmiths of the late 19th century. Most of the masterpieces, selected from the collections to be included in this catalogue, were acquired in Japan about a hundred years ago by Dr. William Sturgis Bigelow. During his years of residence in Japan Dr. Bigelow came to know and befriended several of the leading swordsmiths of his days. In many respects the collection still reflects these early ties between the first great Bostonian collector of swords and the artists, often the last representatives of a long family tradition, who were his contemporaries.
This extensive catalogue brings together a wealth of new technical, historical and biographical information, not available in any other non-Japanese source. It is an essential reference work, not only for collectors of Japanese swords and sword furniture, but for all who have an interest in these uniquely Innanese art forms.
ボストン美術館所蔵の日本刀と刀装具・Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston/小川盛弘/佐藤寒山協力/英語
420P程度 別冊は欠 序文は日本語ですが、英語表記 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
収蔵している美術品の名品の数々を市民の身近かなものにしたいと永年努力しており ます当ボストン美術館にとりまして、此度の東洋美術部の日本刀、刀装、刀装具のコ レクションのカタログの出版は、その永い歴史の中で輝やかしい記念碑となる快挙と いえます。
当館のコレクションは無数の篤志家からの寄付によるものですが、このカタログに収 められている大半は、アーネスト・フェノロサ(1853-1908)と共に日本美術の最初の理 解者の一人であったウイリアム・スタージェス・ビゲロー博士(1850-1926)の寛大なる 好意により、当館の所蔵品となった品々です。 七年に亘る日本滞在の間に、ビゲロー博士は膨大な数の日本美術品を蒐集しましたが、 なかでも、法華堂根本夢陀羅は恐らく最高の傑作といえましょう。
彼は明治時代の日本の芸術家達との交流を通じて同時代の刀工の第一人者達とも知り合い、彼等の作品も、博士の大規模なコレクションの一部を形成しています。 このカタログの出版は、当美術館の刀剣金工室長である著者の小川盛弘、翻訳者の 石橋智慧氏、および大塚巧藝社のスタッフの献身的努力なしには達成できなかったでしょう。更にこの企画の当初から多大な助力と貴重な助言を惜まず与えて下さった、 当時刀剣博物館々長で今は亡き佐藤寒山博士への深い感謝の気持ちもここに記したい と思います。著者はこの本を故佐藤博士に捧げるのみならず、当館所有の日本刀、刀 装具、その他の武器・武具の研究及び修理保存をする為に、佐藤寒山博士記念小川盛弘基金を設立しました。 この出版に当って、フォード財団および新日本画文化協会より多大な資金面での御援 助を受けました。この書物が、日本及び海外で日本刀等日本独特の美術品に対する知 識の増進に貢献することを祈ります。
ボストン美術館々長 兼正力松太郎記念部長
Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston by Morihiro Ogawa, Fellow for Research in Japanese arms and armor in the Department of Asiatic Art represents a major effort to make the Museum"s celebrated collections of Japanese swords and sword furniture known to a wider public, It is the result of years of painstaking research, undertaken at the suggestion of the renowned connoisseur Sato Kanzan who first proposed this publication when he inspected the collection in 1975.
The catalogue deals with the finest specimens in the collection, ranging in date from the 5th century sword hilt, reportedly from the tomb of the Emperor Nintoku, to works of the best swordsmiths of the late 19th century. Most of the masterpieces, selected from the collections to be included in this catalogue, were acquired in Japan about a hundred years ago by Dr. William Sturgis Bigelow. During his years of residence in Japan Dr. Bigelow came to know and befriended several of the leading swordsmiths of his days. In many respects the collection still reflects these early ties between the first great Bostonian collector of swords and the artists, often the last representatives of a long family tradition, who were his contemporaries.
This extensive catalogue brings together a wealth of new technical, historical and biographical information, not available in any other non-Japanese source. It is an essential reference work, not only for collectors of Japanese swords and sword furniture, but for all who have an interest in these uniquely Innanese art forms.
品ですので傷・黄ばみ・破れ・折れ等経年の汚れはあります。表紙傷、小汚れ、よれ。ページ小黄ばみ、しみ。ご理解の上、ご入札ください。 もちろん読む分には問題ありません。408733注意事項
かんたん決済でおこちらの商品案内は 「■@即売くん4.88■」 で作成されました。
Art of Asia | Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Japanese Swords & Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston by Morihiro Ogawa - Enso Martial Arts Shop Bristol
Japanese Masterpiece from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – Mitsume Bookshop
C120. Japanese Sword Guards. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Plates only - Japanese sword books and tsuba
ボストン美術館所蔵の日本刀と刀装具・Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston/小川盛弘/佐藤寒山/英語 アート、エンターテインメント
The Heroes-Chronicles of the Warriors : Japanese Swords x Ukiyo-e from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston|SHIZUOKA CITY MUSEUM of ART
ボストン美術館所蔵の日本刀と刀装具・Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston/小川盛弘/佐藤寒山/英語
Japanese Swords & Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston by Morihiro Ogawa - Enso Martial Arts Shop Bristol
Museum of Fine Arts Boston | Boston's Art Museum
C120. Japanese Sword Guards. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Plates only - Japanese sword books and tsuba
ボストン美術館所蔵の日本刀と刀装具・Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston/小川盛弘/佐藤寒山/英語 アート、エンターテインメント
Japanese Swords & Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston by Morihiro Ogawa - Enso Martial Arts Shop Bristol
The Japanese Sword Museum
C120. Japanese Sword Guards. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Plates only - Japanese sword books and tsuba
A handsome tachi from the 1600s. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. : r/SWORDS